Start Right, Start Smart, Start a Business Blog to Establish Credibility and Expertise
Laura September 25, 2021 ArticleStarting a Business Blog is one of the most easiest things to do, what’s more it is the ideal way to build your business reputation and branding.
A blog is an essential tool in the Affiliate Marketers’ Tool Box. It is by far the best way to build lucrative online gateways to make money online.
Anyone can set up a blog, but it takes careful planning. Thought must be given to why you want to start a business blog, who will be your audience and how you plan to set up your blog?
You must provide an introduction and overview of what can be expected from your blog. Why should they read your blog? What can they expect if they decide to subscribe and follow your blog posts?
The more preparation and thought you put in before you start, the more successful it will be. Once the blog is built the main factor will be the amount of time you plan spending to update your blog.
You must be prepared to post fresh, new content at least three times a week. If you have set up a blog to generate leads there must be clear steps that will lead your reader to the subscription opt in on your blog.
Placing keyword rich articles will help readers to find your blog. Consider keywords that the reader would type into Google to get to your blog. Use the free keyword tool at Word Tracker to help you.
As long as your content meets their needs, addresses their concerns, improves their lives and answers their questions, you will always have visitors to your blog.
It is crucial to know what your competition is doing. Search for blogs on Google with the same keywords you are using on your blog. Find out who is blogging in your niche. What are they writing about?
It will take a bit of time and research, but it will be worth it in the long run, because it is important to stay at the top of all the new developments within your niche.
Starting a business blog could be just what your business needs to build an online presence. A blog combined with a website, an e zine or newsletter, database management and e-commerce system is everything you need to grow and run your business, worldwide online.…
Like any other major endeavor, figuring out where to start in launching a business can be the toughest part. Of course, the path to successful entrepreneurship is long and winding with innumerable steps, but just getting started can be enough to build the momentum you need. Here are, in no particular order, the first five things you can do to get ready to strike out on your own.
1. Evaluate Business Ideas
Some would-be entrepreneurs know exactly what business they want to start, others have no idea but just want to work for themselves. Either way, it is essential to realistically assess your ideas and options before you spend money on it. Do some cursory research into the market and competition. Think about what you would need to get the business started. Talk to others (family, friends, networking contacts) about your ideas and listen for useful feedback. The more background work you do in evaluating your business ideas, the easier it will be to hone in on the best opportunity for you.
2. Make a Commitment
If you are serious about taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, you need to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself. Set a deadline for taking the next step (choosing which business to start, beginning the business planning process, opening date) and figure out what needs to be done to get there. In most cases, finding the time to do the planning is difficult, so work on clearing time in your schedule to focus on your goal of entrepreneurship. Figure out what will keep you motivated to stay on track and set yourself up for success.
For example, gather some pictures or symbols of why you want to be an entrepreneur and place them prominently where you will see them frequently. It sounds cheesy, but can be very effective reminders to get you through the tedious aspects of starting a business.
3. Save Up
Bootstrapping a startup is a good way to keep costs under control, but it doesn’t make it free. Every business requires some capital to succeed, and the cash usually comes straight from the owner’s pocket. Even if you are planning to find investors or loans, you will need to show that you are risking your own assets before they will hand over theirs. Don’t count on finding grants for your startup – they are few and far between for new businesses and those that do exist usually have significant restrictions on how they can be spent. At a minimum, try to save between $3,000 and $5,000, more if your startup requires commercial facilities or inventory.
4. Get Organized
Before you dive into planning your business startup, get organized for success. In most cases your business planning will happen in a workspace at home. Select an office space with limited distractions and the tools you will need to work (desk space, internet connection, good lighting). Gather up basic office supplies and stock your workspace. Start using a planner to schedule your days so you …
Small Business Advice – Convert Prospects to Clients With This
Laura February 6, 2021 ArticleI remember the conversation vividly. An entrepreneurial couple came to me for help because of a chronic problem with late payments from clients and the impact was, of course, their own financial struggle. I listened to what was happening and suggested they change their business model to require payment up front.
They said “Oh we couldn’t do that – no-one would pay us up front. No-one in our field does that.” I asked why and they didn’t really have a good reason other than being afraid that they would lose business if they asked for payment up front.
What I suggested next, however, brought on an immediate gasp and even more fear. But in fact, when they got past that fear and implemented this strategy, they easily got payment up front AND converted more prospects to paying clients.
The answer was to require payment up front AND include a guarantee. The word “guarantee” for some reason, makes a lot of entrepreneurs fearful. They are deathly afraid that if they offer an guarantee, they will end up refunding money to client after client.
But in fact, that’s just a fear. If you are 100% confident in the product or service you provide as a small business owner, offering a guarantee should be a no-brainer. Here’s how:
Guarantee the results:
If you have a track record of proven results in business, and you are confident in your ability to help your client achieve the result, then there’s no reason you couldn’t guarantee that result. One of my clients is a makeup artist. Having done hundreds of brides, she was confident in guaranteeing natural, flawless makeup application that lasts throughout their wedding day. That’s a result her clients are always looking to achieve, so it was a brilliant focus for her in converting prospects to clients.
Guarantee the service:
If service is of high importance to your client, it could very well be the thing to focus on in your guarantees. It can be the level of service you provide. For example, you can guarantee that your client will always get a response from you within a certain time frame.
Guarantee the experience:
Depending on the type of product or service you offer, you can also guarantee the experience your client would have. It’s similar to the service guarantee, but focused on what your client would experience after having done business with you. For example, if your clients tend to be afraid of the hassles in your industry, you can guarantee them a hassle-free experience.
Guarantee that they’ll be fully equipped:
For some services that depend on the client’s commitment to taking action, it may not be possible to guarantee the results. That’s because you have no control over how much action they take. However, you can certainly guarantee that they will walk away with everything they need to achieve the precise result they were seeking. For example, when I do a live workshop, I guarantee that my attendees will walk away with …
You’ve had numerous conversations about your ROI-the Return on Investment-your company achieves.
But what about your RROI-the Redefined Reality on Investment-you achieve?
Think of your RROI as what’s different-new and improved-about your business and lifestyle since you started your company. If you previously worked for someone else, what’s better now that you own a business?
A desire to Redefine our Reality is the #1 reason most of us buy or create our own company. But is your investment of time, energy, and money redefining your reality in the ways you imagined?
Give your attention to three key areas within your business to truly Redefine your Reality through your Investment:
Unique Contribution
What primary activities do you invest your most valuable resources-time, energy, and attention-in daily?
Are they activities that are uniquely yours, i.e., tasks that you do best, that maximize your profits of money and lifestyle? Or, are they lower-producing duties that someone else could do, either outsourced or by an employee?
We all start out doing everything, which is part of the entrepreneurial blessing and curse-blessing because at first, we feel the need to do it all; curse because we’re just good enough to think we have to do it all the time.
You define your USP-Unique Selling Proposition-that distinguishes you from the competition. Have you defined your UCP-Unique Contribution Personal-that you make to your business that is yours and yours alone to do?
To grow your RROI and receive the lifestyle you want, define your UCP and be vigilant in outsourcing or employing everything else.
Core Values
How do you achieve your unique contribution daily at work?
For many of us, we start with high ideals, expressing our desire to do business differently; core values like integrity, honesty, commitment to exceptional customer care, etc. But after we do business a while, we get worn down, particularly if we are still doing it all. Less beneficial core values sneak into our practices.
These unpreferred core values come in via the cracks of our business kind of like the “stink bugs” that somehow keep finding their way into our home this spring. Despite our best efforts to seal and spray, these odiferous critters show up in the strangest places.
What stinky core values creep into the way you do business? The intense pressure this negative world brings to bear on us today as business owners provides opportunities to either shine or stink.
To grow your RROI and receive the lifestyle you want, define your core values and guard your business practices as a valuable asset.
Focused Priorities
When the phone rings, the email bings, the Facebook messages sing, the Twitter feed dings, and the text messages ping, you understand this is an ADD world. Getting your UCP done while driven by your core values sounds good, but is like trying to do physics while caring for a toddler…
…which makes it all the more important for you to focus laser-like on your priorities. All of that technology has a place, …
There are a few things you need to consider before hiring a locksmith. Get prepared in advance. In this article, you will find advice that will help you find the best contractor for the job. Keep reading and keep this information in mind.
Before you hire a locksmith, research his background. It’s important that the locksmith you hire has your best interests at heart. Some locksmiths are scammers and will make copies of your keys.
Even if a locksmith is something you will never have need for, it is good to be prepared. Do some homework in advance to know a trustworthy professional you can rely on in an emergency situation. You can save their number in your phone, putting it at your fingertips in case of emergency.
Try getting a locksmith who stays up to date with the locksmith community. While it’s not a necessity, knowing that your locksmith is up to date on current trends and technological developments can be very reassuring. It also assures you that you won’t get scammed.
Check the locksmiths credentials before they enter your home. Once he does give them, take the initiative to call them. You surely want the best possible services from someone you know to be trustworthy.
Check that the locksmith is who they claim to be prior to allowing them entry to your home. Double check the address listed is real and connects with the phone number you were given. With easy online access, you can double check anyone you want to hire.
While it’s cool to look for a low price on locksmith services, be wary if it’s too low. They may not have a lot of experience, or may be desperate for work. Try to pick a locksmith that does not charge at the high or low end of your quotes.
Find a locksmith before you actually require one. You won’t have many choices if you put it off until you have been locked out of the car or house. You also risk someone shady having your keys.
Don’t hire locksmiths after you only consider one. Calling from three to as many as five individual locksmiths is a good way to get a range of prices. You will know what the rates are with various companies. After you have determined the going rate, you will be able to make a better decision in hiring a locksmith.
Before trusting a locksmith with your keys, ask for a referral list of their customers. Most businesses are happy to provides references, and it is important to actually call the referred customers. Find out how trustworthy and reliable locksmiths are and the amount they charge for off-hours and emergencies.
It is not logical to wait until you find that you cannot unlock the door to your car or home in order to locate an good locksmith. Locksmith companies should be thoroughly checked out prior to using their services. Hopefully you have learned some valuable tips from this article to hire the …
What Every Business Needs To Know About Mobile Marketing
Laura August 21, 2020 ArticleMobile marketing may be important to business planning, but it can be difficult to learn and create a great marketing plan. There is so much to learn both on the marketing side and the technical side. Listed below in this article are some simple steps that will help you have a successful mobile marketing strategy.
Your customers are the reason you are working. Knowing the goals and desire of your buyers is the fundamental principle of mobile marketing. When you are applying your services in a manner that is not in line with the desires of the customer, you are unlikely to see much profit. Find out more about your audience to answer their needs.
QR codes are being used more and more on advertisements to appeal to the smartphone-using audience. That way, people using smart phones will be able to easily visit your web site for access to your special promotions or coupon offers. Put these codes everywhere, including fliers, catalogs, and even your own business card. A person that takes the time to use a QR code is likely interested in your company. Offering these on your printed ads and marketing material makes it easy for them to find out more.
When composing your mobile website copy, be succinct. Make sure your site is filled with good information and not just there for keyword stuff. Mobile marketing is all about concise advertising.
Creating a mission statement will be highly beneficial for staying focused with social mobile marketing. This will make it easier to stay focused.
You need to have a home base if you are developing a mobile platform that will stand alone. Your campaign is about getting people to your home base or bringing them back to it. Avoid developing an entire business around your mobile platform.
Make sure your first campaign is successful before you start a new mobile marketing campaign. Take into account the longevity of the campaign in addition to the sales numbers. Base the creation of your new campaign on the success formula of your old one.
When you are getting started in mobile marketing, you need to learn everything you can regarding how mobile devices work and how they display information so you can tailor your ad material accordingly. View your campaign on as many different mobile and smart phones as possible to test out your ads, links and other interactive materials from the perspecitve of a consumer.
Think about creating a free app for your customers. The process is easy, and customers love receiving free applications. You could create an application specific to your business and up the results of your mobile marketing efforts. There are a lot of services that assist in designing apps, and a lot of features these apps could offer to your customers.
As you can see, mobile marketing is the wave of the future, and you need to know how to use it to generate leads and make sales. It will be easier to understand what …
Having a beautiful home means protecting it. Would you get any random person to install a security system? No, you’d hire him for the job he does, just like hiring a locksmith to deal with your security system. No matter what kind of job you need done, the hints in this article will allow you to hire the best person for the job.
If you’re locked outside of your home, don’t listen to those locksmiths that tell you to replace your lock right away. A good locksmith can open virtually any door with no need for a replacement of the lock. It’s usually unnecessary for you to spend more money to replace a lock.
Be careful when you get a quote from a locksmith and then they raise the price on you later. Some will try and get more money than they deserve. Never work with someone who tries to pull this trick.
Preparation is key, even if you don’t think you’ll hire a locksmith down the road. If you know someone good you can call them in an emergency. Then, save the number in your mobile phone.
Once you have paid a locksmith, ask for a receipt. Many locksmiths are honest, but some cannot be trusted. Proof of payment is a must. Keep the receipt to ensure you have it available if a payment issue comes up later.
If a locksmith quotes you one price by phone, then tries to up the price upon arrival, tell them you will do business with someone else. There are plenty of honest locksmiths out there, so do not do business with someone who isn’t straight with you.
If the time allows, quickly check any locksmith you’re thinking of calling on the Internet. Review sites like Angie’s List can be a huge help. This will help you to get the best possible locksmith. You should also check the Better Business Bureau too determine if the locksmith you are thinking of hiring is in good standing.
Before you allow a locksmith to enter you home, their credentials should be verified. This can be done by cross-referencing the business address listed with the phone number. Due to the Internet, you can easily check a person out to see if you can trust them. Be sure you do not forget this important step.
Be sure that the locksmiths you try to hire will show you an ID prior to you making your appointment. This will help to ensure you have the proper person handling your locks. A professional will typically also have a uniform, but identification is necessary.
Be leery of hiring a locksmith that charges well below the price quotes of their competitors. This could indicate the individual is not that qualified. Find someone who charges a reasonable price and has good reviews.
You wouldn’t hire anyone other than an electrician to do work on wiring, so hire locksmiths to take care of locks. Do you know how to find a professional you can trust? …
Protecting your home is a must. You don’t want anything less than a quality job done. No, you’d hire him for the job he does, just like hiring a locksmith to deal with your security system. Whatever the job may be, the following tips will help you hire a great locksmith.
If a locksmith tries to tell you that you need to replace a lock completely when you have locked yourself out, find a different locksmith. A skilled locksmith will be able to get the door unlocked without needing to replace your current lock. Replacing your lock will just end up unnecessarily costing you money.
When you paint your home, always cover the locks before painting the door. You will have to get a locksmith out if the hole is sealed because you won’t get your key to fit in. This may take time, but it will be worth it in the end.
You may think you’ll never need a locksmith, but you should be prepared just in case. Ask family and friends about reputable locksmiths in the area, or consult trade associations and the Better Business Bureau for leads. Save your locksmith’s phone number in your phone just so that you always have it.
If you get a price by phone and they try to charge you more when they arrive, tell them you won’t utilize their services again. There are many scammers out there who want to rip you off.
Before permitting a locksmith in your house, get some references from him. You should do this in advance, before you actually need them. Not only do you want the highest quality in technical services, you really need to know that you can trust this person completely.
Ask how long a locksmith has been in business. Also, you should be sure that they’ve been doing work at the same place for a while. Companies between 5 and 10 years old in an area are probably reliable.
Check the identification of the locksmiths when they arrive. Tell the person you’re speaking with on the phone that you expect proper identification to be shown. A professional should be in uniform, too.
Before you hire a locksmith, make sure to ask them how long they have been in business. If it’s been active for a long time, most likely the company is one that you can trust. While experience does not equal trustworthiness, you want to hire someone who has been established as reputable and trustworthy.
You should check with any previous customers before you trust a locksmith with your keys. Many businesses can give you a list of references, so try calling them. Knowing how dependable the locksmith will be and how much he or she will charge is very helpful.
You wouldn’t hire anyone other than an electrician to do work on wiring, so hire locksmiths to take care of locks. But finding a trusting locksmith is not that simple. You just have to use the tips found here. Those …
Depending on your technical know-how, you may be able to employ a wide range of affiliate marketing strategies. Also of great importance in your efforts is the product you are promoting itself, as well as who makes up your potential customer base. Working with affiliate marketing should not conjure images of spam. There is quality work involved. To be a success, you must understand what you are doing and develop a successful strategy.
It is vital that you or your affiliate partners do not use this process. This can be annoying to readers. This method can break the chains of affiliate tracking and it can also spread viruses.
Marketing the web’s most in demand products may not be the best for you as an affiliate. Yes, you always want to market quality, but quality does not necessarily mean popularity. You can expect fierce competition if you decide to get involved with highly sought after items. This may make it hard to compete.
Many affiliate marketers feel a compulsive need to do too much. By juggling too many products and specials, they may lose their marketing edge. Keep in mind that maximum results are not true. You must put in a lot of time and effort in order to find a marketing approach that works for you.
Many will then choose to unsubscribe and then you will lose customers and need new ones. In order to attract new clients, make sure that you send them only the emails that gave you the best results so that you can capture their attention right away.
If someone visits your sport-themed website, you can be sure that they have one thing on their mind: sports. Placing a non-sports related link in a sports themed site will not benefit you. Your audience is more likely to click on something relevant to your site.
All affiliate programs have different policies. The amount of flexibility and product variety can vary between each affiliate marketing company.
Some affiliate companies are better than others. Many of these websites are neither attractive nor user-friendly. This may not be what you want to do but, when you are involved you will not want to link your business website to someone who is unorganized. It’s not only helpful but creates trust and motivates purchases.
Try choosing an affiliate company who has higher sales conversion ratios. Try to find a company that offers a conversion ratio of 1%.
Statistics that are tracking current traffic numbers and rankings are essential for running a good website. These types of numbers help you know how many people have made purchases versus how many actual visitors your site has had.
Regarding your affiliations, be totally transparent with your readers. Your honesty will be appreciated, and your readers will be more likely to click on your affiliate advertisements.
Employing the ideas in the article above will help you get a good profit by targeting the right crowd. When you work in the market, you will learn methods that …
When You Need Ideas About Making Money Online Fast, Read This
Laura July 22, 2017 Article“I want to work for myself from home, on the Internet, but where do I start?” So many people say this but never pursue the information they need. This article is a great starting point. Read these tips to find out more about making money from home.
Look out for online scams. The range of online work is vast, but some of the work may be unsatisfactory. Read reviews of jobs you are willing to do prior to starting it.
Finding the right niche for your talents is the best way to earn income online. Is writing something you succeed at? Use you writing talents and become a content writer. Love to create GIFs? Many people may be willing to hire you to design or work on their documents or websites. You will quickly learn what you most marketable talents are.
Do some surveys to make an online income. There are lots of online surveys to do. You can earn a lot of money doing these surveys. Usually, these surveys don’t pay a lot. This is easy when you have some down time, and that money can quickly add up.
Make sure that you prove your identity if you plan to make cash online. Most online portals will want similar validation about you as a real-world job. If you do not have digital identification, see to it that you get them ready prior to starting.
Search Google to learn about making money online. This will provide you with a ton of options. When you see something you think you would like to do, check into it further. Always be cautious when dealing online.
Set a goal for your hourly rate. What is the least amount of money you would be willing to work for per hour? If you want to work for just a small bit, you may never earn more. People will think that you are not worth a lot of money and will pay you in a cheap way.
Never spend money to make money. A legit business won’t charge you anything to work for it. It is probably a scam and you will be out of money. Avoid these scammers at all costs.
If you have a website, ask other websites if you can advertise for them. Having ads on your website is a great way to make money. If you have a widely trafficked blog, you may be able to attract lots of advertisers. These ads take viewers to another site that offers them items or services.
Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn money online. You just need a blog or website with good traffic. Find a topic that you are passionate about and write about it. Look for websites offering affiliate payouts, and see if you can join. You’ll get a percentage based on what people purchase.
Because not everyone takes the time to learn about this process, you will have a leg up. You just need the right advice and enough dedication. …
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