Renewal Choices: Navigating Lease Extension and Alternatives
Laura January 3, 2024 ArticleRenewal Choices: Navigating Lease Extension and Alternatives
Lease renewal is a significant decision for tenants, and understanding the available options is crucial for making informed choices. In this guide, we’ll explore various lease renewal options and alternatives, providing insights to help tenants navigate this important decision.
Understanding Traditional Lease Renewal
The most straightforward lease renewal option is extending the existing lease for another term. Traditional lease renewal involves continuing the tenancy under the same terms and conditions, typically for another year. Tenants who are satisfied with their current living situation and have no plans to relocate may find this option convenient and familiar.
Exploring Short-Term Lease Renewal
For tenants uncertain about their long-term plans, short-term lease renewal offers flexibility. This option allows for a renewal with a shorter duration, such as six months. Short-term renewals provide tenants the opportunity to reassess their living situation more frequently and make decisions based on their evolving needs and circumstances.
Negotiating Lease Terms and Rent
Lease renewal is also an opportunity for tenants to negotiate terms and rent. If there have been changes in the rental market or if certain terms no longer align with the tenant’s preferences, negotiations can lead to a mutually beneficial agreement. Open communication with the landlord is key during this process.
Considering Alternatives: Month-to-Month Agreements
Some tenants prefer the flexibility of a month-to-month agreement instead of a fixed-term lease renewal. Month-to-month agreements provide the freedom to terminate the lease with shorter notice, allowing tenants to adapt to changing circumstances without the commitment of a long-term lease.
Assessing the Property’s Condition
Before committing to a lease renewal, tenants should assess the condition of the property. Identifying any maintenance or repair needs and addressing them with the landlord ensures that the living environment remains satisfactory. It’s an essential step to guarantee a comfortable and well-maintained home during the renewed lease period.
Reviewing Lease Agreement Changes
Lease renewal may introduce changes to the existing lease agreement. Tenants should carefully review any proposed modifications, ensuring they are comfortable with the updated terms. Common changes may include adjustments to rent, pet policies, or maintenance responsibilities. Clear understanding and agreement on these changes are essential.
Utilizing Online Resources for Lease Renewal Guidance
For a comprehensive guide on lease renewal options and valuable insights, visit Lease Renewal Options. This online resource compiles details on various renewal choices, streamlining the decision-making process and providing additional guidance for tenants navigating lease renewals.
Seeking Professional Advice
In complex situations or when facing uncertainty, seeking professional advice can be beneficial. Legal professionals or real estate experts can provide guidance on lease renewal options, potential legal implications, and ways to approach negotiations with landlords. Their expertise ensures tenants make well-informed decisions.
Weighing Pros and Cons
Before finalizing a lease renewal option, tenants should weigh the pros and cons of each choice. Consider factors such as long-term plans, financial stability, and personal preferences. This evaluation ensures that the chosen renewal option aligns with the tenant’s broader goals and current circumstances.
Starting a Business When All You Have Left is a Credit Card
Laura November 17, 2021 ArticleRalph was tired of his work as an engineer. The work was steady, but the income, though adequate, was limited. Like most, he was living month to month. So he quit his job and invested $20,000 on a credit card to open his consulting firm. He earned over $500,000 in his fourth year.
Jim had a dream, a couple of friends and a credit card with $300 left on it. Rather than despair, he decided to go into business for himself. He took his mother’s old green coat, a ping pong ball, a couple of sticks and made a hybrid cross between a hand puppet and a marionette. He called it a Muppet and named the lizard Kermit. (He later changed it into a frog.) The rest, as the saying goes, is history.
Several people are facing the same issue Jim Henson did years ago. Faced with job loss and doubts, what will you do with your life? You can search for that elusive perfect job, and once again, but your future in someone else’s hands, or you can take control of your life and create your own future.
I don’t believe any small business consultant would ever recommend a client start a new business with only a credit card and no reserve of operating capital. I surely would not. However, history has shown that there is more to start up capital than money. Individuals with creative ideas, strong drive and a refusal to fail have proven that some can succeed on pure chutzpah.
For those leaving the corporate world, there is often some 401k money that can be rolled over into a new business. If set up correctly, you can fund your new business with retirement funds without paying taxes or penalties. Others may find funding difficult. I always recommend an individual’s first business be a franchise. The proven system, training and support often make the difference between success and failure for the new entrepreneur. But franchise fees alone can keep those with limited startup capital from opening a business. I often help those with limited funds find franchises that offer in house financing so new businesses can be launched on the proverbial shoe string. There are also national trademarked brands that can be joined without franchise fees or royalties and still receive the training and support usually reserved for franchises.
Whether you are considering a low cost franchise or a trademarked brand, entrepreneurism is not for the faint of heart. But with a solid system and strong support, even the shoe string business can thrive. Just add indomitable spirit.
“Life is meant to be fun, and joyous, and fulfilling. May each of yours be that – having each of you as a child of mine has certainly been one of the good things in my life. Know that I’ve always loved each of you with an eternal, bottomless love. A love that has nothing to do with each other, for I feel my love for each of you …
There is a great deal of help available when you start in business. You will get help from your bank manager – remember he will be looking after the banks interests first. Business Link is there to help when start ups, depending on what your business there may be funding available to help you obtain a web site or marketing etc. From my experience with both banks and Business Link the people who are advising you have never been in business before – they advise newcomers to business what they should be doing without ever having been in your position.
Will I get help if I start a business? That is a question I hear time and time again when people are thinking about starting up. The answer to the question is YES, help comes in many forms and from many different sources. I have mentioned help from the bank and Business Link. There are other organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce or the Federation of Small Businesses and local business organisations. With these organisations in most cases there will be a fee to join, they will organise monthly meetings giving various information to those in business and with the view of networking.
These days if I am asked the question ‘What help is available” I would always tell people my suggestion would be that they start a business where you have a mentor. You may ask what is a mentor, how will a mentor help me? A mentor has been in the business longer than you so is someone you can turn to if you have a problem because they will have encountered the problem before. A mentor will help you from as your start your enterprise, helping you grow, bringing new ideas to help you move forward. you. In this day and age because of the internet we can have a mentor who lives miles away, we can communicate by phone, mobile, e mail or by Skype. What a great way to start a business with someone to turn to for help along the way. Starting a business hasn’t been so easy.
Having been in business for many years the one thing I like about today’s opportunities is the help you get from a mentor, recently I started a business in internet marketing. Not a field I was familiar with but realised that this is the way forward in business. Having taken the first step I was amazed how much help and guidance I was given from my mentor. I only wish this help had been available years ago.…
Online Businesses and Its Important Marketing Strategies
Laura July 14, 2021 ArticleAny online business knows just how important business marketing is. Business marketing is simply indispensable for any business because it gives website owners a chance to convey their image and message to the public. There are a lot of unique ways for online business owners to market their website. We can’t really say what the best marketing strategy is for your particular business, but there are quite a few ones that are across the board successful. Some of them are article marketing, commenting on blogs or on forums, and creating content on various web 2.0 sites. The reason as to why these marketing strategies are highly preferred is because they are free. All you would need to do is work hard and everything else will fall into place.
Article Marketing
Articles marketing is considered to be one of the pioneers of internet business marketing. Essentially, online marketing works by creating a lot of high quality articles and distributing them to different article directories. At the end of every article is what’s called a resource box. The resource box contains the information regarding the author and a backlink to the site that is being optimized. Article marketing allows the site to be exposed not only to the viewers of the article directory but also to different search engines by increasing its page rank. This is doubly beneficial for the site and makes business marketing more blossoming.
Commenting on Forums and Blogs
Commenting on forum and blogs is less popular than article marketing but is just as effective. In essence, forum and blog commenting are executed by posting comments on related forums and blogs. The comments are proceeded by a link that points back to the website. This is highly effective when executed on related blogs and forums because it specifically targets an audience for the site. Posting on random forums or blogs will just make it confusing to the people and won’t yield any meaningful results.
Content on Web 2.0 Sites
Creating content on certain web 2.0 websites is also a highly beneficial form of business marketing. You see, web 2.0 sites have high page ranks. What this means is that they have good credibility and they’re highly regarded by search engines. Search engines put a lot of emphasis on web 2.0 websites simply because they’ve got a good reputation that they’ve maintained over the years. Search engines put a lot of importance on web 2.0 sites simply because they have a good reputation that they have maintained over the years. Content can come in a lot of different forms. Content can come in the form of an article, a picture, or a video. Similar to article marketing and forum and blog posting, a back link is attached in order to expose the site.…
Starting a Business? Online Presence is the New Yellow Pages
Laura March 19, 2021 ArticleWhatever type of business you are planning to start, an online presence is an absolute necessity. The internet serves as the new Yellow steroids. Not only do consumers search the web for a specific business or service, but they are able to comparison shop and learn all about their options from the comfort of their living rooms. The online options range from a simple business card style page to a comprehensive ecommerce site, but the important factor is that your potential clients are able to find you with a simple web search.
Depending on the type of business you start, you may need only a basic business card-style website. Something as simple as a home page introducing your business, a contact page to help build your customer database, and a few pages of information to help your customers make the right selection of your products or services will go a long way in marketing your venture. In the information age, it is imperative that you provide useful knowledge to your customers. If you choose not to, plenty of your competitors that’s who will make the sale.
The information you provide online does not have to give away the house secrets, but should teach your prospective clients something about what you do. For example, a dog training business might include short article on house-training tips and descriptions of the various dog sports that you teach. A restaurant might include the menu along with articles about the right wine to select with different types of food. A service business might explain how using the available services will save the consumer time, money, or the like. The important factor is to offer useful information in a clear, coherent manner that shows your expertise and builds confidence in you and your business.
More developed websites can include ecommerce, where you customers can buy directly from you through your website. If you sell retail products, making them available online can increase your sales dramatically, often 30% or more. Including products, a shopping cart, and an online merchant account costs a bit more to set up, but the payoff is usually worth every penny. Selling your products on the web provides an opportunity to deliver your sales pitch for each item. Including a short paragraph about each product or service is common, and you can even incorporate a rating system or popularity scale for each. Consumers can find out all they need to know about your offerings without leaving the house.
All types of businesses are finding success using interactive websites. Some restaurants have had great success with allowing their take-out customers to order online. Some salons allow clients to set their own appointments online. And a mobile auto detailer we know fills over 50% of his schedule through online requests. The internet is the present and future of all business. If your startup isn’t represented on the web, your growth potential is inherently limited. But if your website is a high-quality, informative, useful tool for …
What You Say to Yourself When You Are by Yourself Will Impact Your Level of Success Online
Laura December 7, 2020 ArticleAll too often online entrepreneurs start their business intent on learning as they go. They have a mindset that if they are going to be successful online then they have to learn everything themselves from scratch – Wrong Mindset:
There is a right way and a wrong way to develop and grow an online business. The right way is to find out who in your niche is currently successful and mirror what they are doing.
You must not copy what they are doing word for word but you must firstly:
1. Adopt their mindset – what do they focus on, who do they focus on? how much time do they invest in their business? who are they in business with? what are the names of the people that you associate with and who can really challenge you and help you?
2. Work on your own mindset – Be focused on achieving your success and you must be specific in order to do this,. Make sure you have committed yourself to the success of the business. You must be committed to working on your online business every day for an extended period of time – Are you prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. Make sure you understand the time it will take.
Many of the online scam businesses claim that you can make thousands of dollars from your first day in business by working only 1-2 hours per day. Most of the truly successful online entrepreneurs who have built sustainable, ethical, online businesses for themselves will have invested their time, their efforts and 100% of their focus to ensure success in their online venture.
If you are serious you will treat your business seriously.
On each of the Online Business Training courses that I have given and attended over the past few years, Mindset features on each and every one of them.
Being an online entrepreneur can be difficult to explain to people who have never operated online. They will however be experts in online scamming and will have heard all the stories!
Its important for both you and your own mindset to be very clear to these people that you are working on a serious business and that you are committed to its success and that you are working on yourself all the time.
You must make sure that you are spending as much of your time as possible speaking with and mixing with like minded success orientated people. This works if you want it to work.
Watching the news and TV and reading the daily newspapers will not help you to become successful online. Cut the time you spend on these activities to a minimum.
3. Find a proven system that works online and that has worked online for for many people. Speak to these people and understand what they have done to make it a success. Its the quickest way to becoming successful online.…
Video Marketing Tips For Being Successful And Effective
Laura August 11, 2020 ArticleThe realm of video marketing may be new to some, though it has recently become a wildly popular platform. Fast Internet connections and greater accessibility allow people all over the country to spend more time online in search of interesting content. This article will help you leverage video marketing.
Any marketing video should be short. Many people are not willing to spend a lot of time watching a video online. Should you require a longer, more detailed video, it may be best to divide it into segments. For example, a 20-minute video could be split into four separate videos of five minutes each.
Never miss out on a good opportunity because you’re too intimidated to try new things. A tripod and a good quality camera are all you need in order to make your own videos. You may want to give a demonstration of the way your products are made or simply speak with viewers.
The way to have your video go viral is to focus on excellent content. You need not have expensive video equipment for your video to be viewed by millions of people. People would much rather watch a relevant video. That said, buying the best camera you can get can help you have a better quality video.
Optimize your videos by using keywords. It is essential to have a unique title for each site uploaded to. You must make sure to include their targeted keywords too. Also, include your contact information so customers can reach you for more info.
You have a limited amount of time to capture the attention of your viewers. That’s why the first few seconds are so important. This is the place to have a unique perspective and hook the viewer.
Working with a team is a helpful way to make video content. You don’t have to just use people you work with. You can also try loved ones or people you know in your community. Be sure to include their names in the credits at the end to give them some publicity.
How-to videos are ranked as one of the highest searched topics on the web. Having tutorial videos creates an avenue for those who search in your niche to find you. Once they respect you as an authority, they’ll want to know more.
Omit any information that is off-topic or not important. When not properly prepared, straying from the topic is common. Put together a detailed outline and include all the points you want to talk about. Being focused is going to help you have video marketing success.
When you go to a convention or other event, bring along the recording camera. You will probably have the occasion to interview some experts or simply document your experience at this event. If you are giving a public talk, make sure someone records it.
As you can tell by reading this article, video marketing is not really hard. The only thing that you have to do is learn all you can about …
Depending on who is defining it, there are a number of different definitions of mobile marketing. Each business sees this type of marketing in different ways, and the implementation of their marketing plans is just as different. One of the easiest ways to explain mobile marketing is utilizing popular mobile devices to market your business to a wider number of users. These tips will help you find the way forward when starting your mobile marketing campaign.
You should begin your mobile marketing efforts by constructing a database. Prevent yourself from just simply adding in cell phone numbers straight into a mobile marketing database. You really need to get their permission before starting. To obtain permission, you can create a form for downloading or a process through which users respond to a text message.
Never randomly message your customers. Be sure your message means something to the recipient and that they will welcome the message. Mobile marketing has been known to fail when businesses become too casual with their text messages. They want useful, relevant messages, not lighthearted banter as if you were their goofy friend.
Mobile content should be easy to read and to the point for the success of your campaign. Make sure they know your message and can absorb it, as quickly as possible!
Make yourself a mission statement that is more about what your purpose is more than anything else to be successful in mobile marketing. You will be less likely to stray into unproductive strategies if you give yourself a clear reminder of your principles.
One of the most effective ways to raise profits is to do mobile marketing. Increasing numbers of people are going mobile and using devices like smartphones to access social networks and buy apps. These are both excellent places that you could be marketing your business. You need to bring your marketing to where the customers are.
Learn how mobile devices work so that you can design your site and ads accordingly to be an effective mobile marketer. You should use numerous mobile devices. This will allow you to learn how they work and set up a site that is customized for navigation by someone who is using any device.
Remember that the people you are reaching out to with mobile marketing are people out and about, living their lives. Use common courtesy.
A successful mobile marketer does not stand still. They are continually looking for new ways to get their message out there. To be successful, you should follow their lead. Start with texting, then go to calling, then to videos and so on. This helps expand your network. Take advantage of everything possible.
Allow message recipients to leave feedback about your mobile marketing communications. This offers an excellent opportunity to connect more effectively and interact with your customers. Even if the feedback is negative, it can be used to enhance your mobile marketing tactics.
In conclusion, mobile marketing can mean many things. There is no accepted common definition when it …
Showing Your Good Side: Tips And Tricks Of Reputation Management
Laura July 8, 2019 ArticleA good reputation can mean more profit for your business. Customers will spread word about companies that have a good reputation. In order for your business to be successful, you must protect its reputation. To learn about bettering your business reputation, keep reading.
To improve the reputation of your business, always follow up on any issues with your customers. A big business will find this even more true. Your customers want to feel they are important to you. Try using a system that’s automated and can work with a customer. Ask customers for feedback on anything they bought recently.
Be personable online. Just posting an update online will not work; you have to communicate with your customers. If you get someone posting a question to a social media site you run, be sure you’re answering things as fast as you can. When you don’t have the answer, let them know you’re working on it.
Watch social networks. According to Arnold Worldwide, over half the customers expect answers to their comments and questions on social networks. Therefore, make sure to monitor the comments about your business. Many businesses aren’t that vigilant, so being responsive can make you stand above the rest.
Make sure you know what is going on in the world as it pertains to your area of business. This will help ensure that the information you are supplying your customers with is the latest information. Take five minutes out of your day to search for the newest facts about the industry you’re in.
Make sure that all of your social media accounts are run professionally. You don’t want to hire someone to run them without any training since they can give your company a negative reputation. You want to appear as a professional that is still accessible as a person.
Always be fair with your employees. Sometimes, this isn’t seen as something that is necessary, but if you don’t respect your employees, then you could be dealing with serious consequences. If people find out your not a good employer, your business will suffer.
If you offer sales that are private or a promotion that is, make sure to keep it private. If a consumer has made a complaint against your business, you want to keep the details of what you offered to the consumer private. You don’t want unscrupulous people trying to get free things by falsely complaining about your product.
Make yourself present where customers can be found. If you find they go to specific places or sites, visit there often. When you’re where your customers are, you can understand them better. A lot of people are more at ease in a social environment, which helps them be more open to you.
Make sure to monitor all social networking sites. Companies are often talked about on these platforms. Monitoring the platforms enables you to do immediate damage control on any negative comments posted. You can limit any damage to your business when you are pro-active towards any negativity.…
When You Want To Learn About Making Money Online, This Article Is For You
Laura January 16, 2018 ArticleEarning a good amount of money requires hard work. The harder you work, the more money you will make. This is especially true of making money online. The following tips will help you figure out how to start raking in the money!
Always keep a watchful eye out for scam alerts. There are so many options for online income, but some are not that attractive. Before going down a road you are uncomfortable with, make sure to do your research.
If you want to make money on the Internet, you have to decide what niche is the best for you. Do you have a knack for writing? Market yourself personally as a content provider. Are you able to do good graphic design work? Do graphic design for other companies online. Introspection will help you along.
Make a schedule. Online income is something that you will need to do consistently. You won’t get rich overnight. You have to work daily. Set aside a specific time during the day. One hour per day could be all it takes.
Search Google to learn about making money online. This will give you a wide range of options that you can undertake. Once you find something that sparks your interest, be sure to do a thorough search about reviews about that company. Be cautious to protect yourself.
Have you tried flipping domain names? A lot of people make good money off domain names. It’s similar to buy real estate online, but it involves an investment from you. A site like Google Adsense is a good place to find trending key phrases people search for. Buy domains that are acronyms. Invest in domains which will pay off in the end.
Think about how your time should be valued prior to beginning work. If are going to to a certain job, what do you want to make per hour? If you want to work for just a small bit, you may never earn more. Folks will consider you to be worth less and not pay you very much.
Don’t pay money to start earning money online. No legitimate businesses or companies will ask for money before you start working. This will lead to you getting ripped off. Avoid any one who wants you to pay!
Be sure to diversify your streams of income adequately. Online moneymaking can be fickle. Things that work today might not work tomorrow. Therefore, it is in your own best interest to work for a few different people/businesses. This way if one direction starts under-performing, you still have other methods keeping income flowing in.
Writing an eBook about your area of expertise is a great idea for making extra money. In recent years, self-publishing has gained significant popularity. That can be a great way to make money if you’re a writer, or an expert in one specific niche. There are various publishing platforms, some of which have commission rates of 70% or more.
You aren’t likely to retire next week, but consistent effort …
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